But a look at the exhibition suggests another interpretation: many of these artists are concerned with the co-presence of the natural or profane world and the spirit world.
According to Eliade, traditional man distinguishes two levels of existence: (1) the Sacred, and (2) the profane world.
It was pleasant after that honour to return to the profane world of spectators amid nudges and significant looks.
By making deals with gentiles and getting involved in their political institutions, Jews would bring the profane world into the community, and this would inevitably corrupt it.
Yet unlike Marduk and Baal, Yahweh was said to have divided a physical sea in the profane world of historical time.
Already mutant splinter groups, many of which have retreated from the tainted, profane world, have left more temperate fundamentalists far behind.
To traditional man, the profane world is "meaningless", and a thing rises out of the profane world only by conforming to an ideal, mythical model.
The twins represent the profane world of leases, legal battles, profit-taking, slick buildings and the billions it takes to pay for them.
The torii symbolizes the passage from the profane world to a sacred place.
But two guys taking on a profane world can only do so much at a time.