Due to his age, Wayne's mother didn't allow him to record such profane lyrics but he still did, and the name B.G. was given to Doogie.
She tries to keep the child away from the more profane lyrics and lewd videos.
My 13-year-old son notes that most black parents whom he has met would be just as upset as you were about the profane lyrics.
The album caused controversy due to its profane lyrics without a Parental Advisory Label.
Nothing Sacred was noted for its profane and sexually explicit lyrics, and was released solely by mail order.
It is the only one to feature profane lyrics and scream vocalization.
The spot was withdrawn amid complaints about the sexually explicit and profane lyrics of his songs, though no such songs were ever part of the campaign.
Many profane lyrics were replaced while the rest were not said at all.
No. 40: A tenured professor willing to recite profane lyrics from a gangsta rap song.