("Mechachis en la mar" a mildly profane expression, roughly translated as "Damnit!")
The term "expletive deleted" entered the language to denote profane and vulgar expressions not deemed suitable for release in the transcripts.
A moment later, he landed on the floor and woke with a somewhat profane expression of surprise and annoyance.
Meanwhile, in his spare time, Bahadur was seeking to improve his English by concentrating on vulgar and profane expressions.
God knows where he collected it, but by some instinct or some accident he has avoided all profane or gross expressions.
A draft of your report will be expected by (here some one had written in a date and hour less than forty-eight hours away; I used some profane expressions under my breath.)
"Filho da mãe", "son of the mother", is a more subtle and less profane expression (used as a euphemism and in most TV dubbings).
He tried to voice some profane expression of astonishment, but discovered that he couldn't make a sound.
Rather surprisedly, Braden mentioned the Cerberus' skipper's most adhesive profane expression.