The criminals returned to society fully productive and unaware of their criminal past.
Or to take a more extreme case, has Indonesia become a 15 percent less productive society than it was a year ago?
We're talking about two highly productive societies that have made a different tradeoff between work and family time.
It's a bad form of adaptation for a productive society, but people do it.
This creates a more productive society that can handle problems faster and more efficiently.
Some patients were taught skills that they could use upon returning to productive society.
Their position outside the organized, goal-driven, productive Soviet society is emphasized.
Transparent institutions that promote these and other economic freedoms ultimately foster a productive society.
To Peale, the behavior of animals served as a model for a moral, productive, and socially harmonious society.
Americans must face the transformation of their nation from the world's wealthiest, most productive society into one of several economic powerhouses in the world.