Little Rock is situated in a productive farming and livestock-producing area near the Ozarks and the Ouachita Mountains.
Mecklenburg has productive farming, but the land is most suitable for grazing purposes.
India offers opportunities for highly productive farming of shrimp in its brackishwater resources.
Large-scale productive farming is virtually non-existent.
"There are many wrong ideas about the land required for productive farming," said José Luis Roca, a former agriculture minister now working as a land consultant and lawyer in La Paz.
The most productive farming, he said, is where governments do not intrude in production decisions, the household being the most effective management unit.
Most vegetables are imported into local supermarkets because Moshupa is too arid for productive farming.
Pottstown is the center of a productive farming and dairying region.
The area spans the rapidly urbanizing Interstate 25 corridor, with its focus on technology and clean energy, to one of the most productive farming and ranching regions in the country.
We want to facilitate uniformly productive farming and see cultural landscapes preserved by means of agricultural activity rather than through any other kind.