That same year, the company also began producing numerous television documentaries through its production subsidiary, Van Ness Films.
Still, Yukos operates two large production subsidiaries, five refineries, 1,300 filling stations and other property.
On its face, the Russian government is trying to sell Yukos's largest production subsidiary, Yuganskneftegas, to pay back a tax claim of more than $27 billion.
Moreover, Shamrock's exploration and production subsidiary would have lost $110.5 million if it had operated independently, the report said.
"If the Chinese loan did not figure in the purchase of Yukos's former production subsidiary, just where could Rosneft have found $9.35 billion?"
Analysts expect additional tax claims against Yukos or Yuganskneftegas, Yukos's main production subsidiary.
Times have been anything but boring for minority investors in the production subsidiaries of the Russian oil majors.
But bailiffs still have not made any moves to sell Yukos's biggest assets, like the three large production subsidiaries.
It has varied programming with its own production subsidiaries.
All the majors and two of the mini-majors set up production subsidiaries in London.