In spite of this they increased their plants and production output.
By that time water production output was small and the distribution area was rather limited.
This was primarily due low production output because the country was not run as a war economy until 1943.
In the past 4 out of 6 centuries, China's production output was the number 1 in the world.
Also food flavorings, which developed since the 1970s, account for over half of production output today.
In 2010 the production output was of 212,680 cars.
Industrial production output increased 25% between the years 1927 and 1929.
This refers to a business management strategy to improve quality of production outputs.
He added that the move would "align the production output with market demand for the products they build."
With this data, it can be seen that production output within the industrial sector has been constantly rising.