The Germans ordered the production of a modified version of the M 42L and a 75/46 was the gun of choice.
Subsequently the production of a French version (Atlantis) began in spring 1930 using different footage and partially an altered storyline.
Scripps holds a patent based on a purified natural protein, and had sued Genentech over its production of a genetically engineered version.
These deletions and mutations lead to the production of an abnormal or nonfunctional version of the RAI1 protein.
These changes lead to the production of a nonfunctional version of the common gamma chain protein or no production of protein.
Discussed and analyzed developments on the production of an American version of the British Harrier warplane.
On the production of an anonymous version of Faustus on 16 May 1825, she was the Adine (Margaret).
TCOF1 mutations lead to the production of an abnormally small, nonfunctional version of treacle or prevent the cell from producing this protein.
BBC2, 28 November 1965, new production of an updated version of the 1954 script.
Mutations in the SH3BP2 gene lead to the production of an overly active version of this protein.