The director, according to the production notes, ran his family's diamond business after his father died in the mid-1980's.
The special features is a theatrical trailer, an interview with the director, and production notes.
The author's production note to the play states that "It is written to be played very slowly" and should last nearly an hour.
The production notes say that 799 animals were involved, from dogs and mice to, of course, pigs.
I've been reading through some of his production notes.
He begins each project by reading over production notes for the game and then deciding on a musical style with the game's producers.
Bonus features on both version include an interactive game, production notes and more.
While the film itself does not survive, the scripts and related production notes do.
According to production notes, this formerly spare story now features 94 characters in all.
According to the studio's production notes, the project was approved within 20 minutes.