It is also useful for production machines that cannot be easily accessed by conventional means.
Production began in 1927 and ran until 1934 with 198 production machines built.
These new production machines are designed to tackle any mix design they chew into.
These were followed by 21 examples ordered as evaluation aircraft and 50 production machines.
In practice, it is difficult to come even close to this, and production machines generally operate at betas around 0.1, or 10%.
It was able to run some small problems but didn't work well enough to be used as a production machine.
By September 1887, eight production machines had been built.
All this does is put pressure on Yani to produce, and turn her into a production machine.
The third pontoon was later discarded on production machines, though.
Shortly before the turn of the century, the company started converting its production machines to electricity.