It was set to premiere on June 5, 2007 - and casting calls were sent out - but production was postponed.
The production was announced for 14 October 2007 but was postponed.
Originally scheduled to begin shooting in Australia in early 2011, production was postponed to 2012.
The production was postponed indefinitely due to her departure.
The production was set to open in November of 2004 but was postponed.
Currently the production on Phantasmagoria is postponed and has no start date.
The first production was planned to take place on 26 December 1637, but was postponed until 3 January 1638.
Had it been necessary to hire a third party, production would have been postponed for 6-8 months as the new director prepared for the film.
The show was set to premiere on June 5, 2007, but production was postponed.
In March 2006, it was announced that production on Sin City 2 would be postponed.