Despite increasing demand, rising production caused a drop in prices, creating substantial discontent among farmers.
Global traffic, production, and consumption are causing increased global levels of air pollutants.
This remarkable production caused Goldfield to grow rapidly, and it soon became the largest town in the state with about 20,000 people.
If the abnormal production of hormones is causing problems, medications may be given to counteract their effects.
However, the production of goods for commercial markets has caused a certain amount of controversy.
Its production causes pain and groans from the subject, and any violence towards it would appear also to affect her.
However, the massive production of aircraft caused a shortage of these engines.
Two productions - a revival and a premiere - caused the fuss.
The production of some biofuels can cause massive environmental damage to forests and wildlife.
Mass production of glass window panes in the early twentieth century caused a similar effect.