"Adrift" was produced as part of its own production block: block seven.
This was the last story filmed in the third season's production block, although it was held over until the beginning of the fourth season.
Episodes two and three made up the second production block.
It was filmed in the third production block, after the completion of episodes 2-5.
The first two series, although transmitted as two separate runs, were recorded in a single production block.
The squadron received the last production block of new F-15 Eagles.
A map in his office shows that the country's 45,000-square-mile Amazon region is already largely carpeted by oil company exploration and production blocks.
In 1941 block numbers were added to designations to show minor equipment variations between production blocks.
All of the location shots were filmed at the beginning of the production block.
"The Beast Below" was in the second production block of the series.