And thank a product tie-in for automobiles for the specious scene that shows off a car.
Content quality is obviously not as important as product tie-ins.
Another popular strategy is to use highly visible product tie-ins and corporate partnerships.
But it's hypocritical and greedy of them to target young children via product tie-ins.
With this in mind, she wrote in an engagement and a wedding which provided the possibility of product tie-ins.
There was at least one attempt to exploit Sohn's fame with a product tie-in.
The author has made a public point of her desire to limit the product tie-ins that followed, though not altogether convincingly.
While marketing to children has been criticized with obesity related lawsuits, product tie-ins are a complicated issue for parents.
A licensee's search for new product tie-ins can last a lifetime, or sometimes beyond.
The toy is usually a product tie-in with a movie or popular television show.