Its gross domestic product will probably rise this year by more than 6.5 percent.
In the second quarter, gross domestic product rose only 5.42 percent over the earlier period of last year.
The Government reported that the gross national product rose 3.8 percent last year, the best showing in four years.
This was a period of rapid economic growth, in which gross domestic product rose about 9 percent a year.
The gross national product rose 6.7 percent over the same period.
Most analysts predict that the gross national product will rise by less than 2 percent in the second half of the year.
Prices farmers received for raw products rose 0.7 percent in September.
Prices paid to farmers for raw products rose 0.7 percent in October.
In particular, gross domestic product is rising at a pretty fast clip.
When the surplus is reinvested, the total product of labor will rise.