Puebla has a number of annual fairs meant to highlights the various regions' products.
Often, building new products means simply assembling these components in new combinations.
A greater gross national product meant that local authorities could be more generous towards the poor.
"Process and product are very important for people who are dying - product means a completion of something."
This theory has become the basis for his thoughts on what a product means to consumers on the most fundamental level.
Just because you announce a product earlier doesn't mean that you can actually consider yourself being the first, you also have to deliver.
Mira liked the idea of newspapers, enjoyed telling people she was a reporter, but the daily product meant little to her.
We are unsurprised when products meant to work together take hours to install and never quite manage peaceful coexistence.
The 'product', in this context, means anything that is offered to a market for its use or consumption.