Lucky is also well-liked among advertiser since products are written within the editorial, not as an advertisement.
Simple products are written in each box, corresponding with numbers along the top and to the right of each box.
The inner product of two vectors is commonly written as , but the notation (a, b) is also used.
The first product by WildPackets was written for the Mac, and called EtherPeek.
Note that the product of two spherical harmonics can be written in terms of these coefficients.
If the product was indeed written with Microsoft's involvement, that raises further questions.
So that the product of two vectors is a quaternion, and can be written in the form:
Inner products (also called brackets) are written so as to look like a bra and ket next to each other: .
The product was originally written in Delphi 3.
The featured products are usually written in pink chalk on a gray blue cinder block wall in front.