Clients aren't insisting, for example, that the product be shown in every ad.
Aside from the language barrier, the product is shown only for a split second.
The actual product is shown at the top of this story, with the image near the middle being the original mock-up.
The next year its product was shown to be leptin.
Essential products are shown across the top two rows of the matrix.
The product was shown to be effective in the treatment of venous ulcers,.
The product was shown to potential users who were polled as to what they would be willing to pay for it.
But, he said, if the products were deemed safe and shown to work, they are "a new tool we can put in our tool box."
Cough-and-cold products have not been shown to be safe or effective in children younger than 6 years.
The final product was assembled by a professional film editor and shown for the first time at the school yesterday.