These products do not cure or shorten the length of the common cold.
The law gave manufacturers the right to advertise the potential benefits of supplements, so long as they did not claim that the products could treat, cure or prevent disease.
Under Cosentino's direction, Incanto launched a charcuterie selection, with all products cured in-house and ranging from mortadella to fennel salame, and even including a sweetbread terrine.
These products do not cure or shorten the length of the common cold and may cause serious side effects.
The business development people misread it to spin weird fantasies about how the product will cure baldness and warts and stuff, but it gets investors, so that's OK.
In 2008, the United States Federal Trade Commission acted against companies that made unsupported claims that their products, some of which included highly toxic chemicals, could cure cancer.
But they cannot make any claims that the products prevent, treat or cure disease.
The products cure from a liquid or gel state to a solid.
Rath claims that his nutritional products can cure HIV/AIDS and that antiretroviral medications are toxic.
Absorbent products do not cure incontinence, but they may be used for any duration of time.