Simonson has argued that it is meaningful to assume that consumers have dormant preferences for product configurations even before the products embedding those preferences exist.
The result of a configuration process is a product configuration (concrete configuration), i.e., a list of instances and in some cases also connections between these instances.
Soininen and Niemelä applied what is now known as answer set programming to the problem of product configuration.
Wi took the core technology, developing the basic product configuration, from concept to production in seven months.
In fact, no other welding process permits the welding of so many alloys in so many product configurations.
This design would allow the estimation of main effects utilities from 81 (3) possible product configurations.
A sample of around 20 respondents could model the main effects of all 81 possible product configurations with statistically significant results.
These services include order tracking, product configuration and customization as well as security/trust.
This technology enables proactive organizations to measure their product configurations to ensure that threats are not "slipping through the cracks."
The proposal-specific functions of guided selling are recommender systems, product advisors, product configuration, technical calculations, commercial calculations and document generation.