Manufacturing accounts for most employment, with machinery and other manufactured products comprising the major exports.
In addition, the gaseous product leaving a furnace mostly comprises out of phosphorus tetrahedron (P4) and carbon monoxide.
One key factor, though, was that the products being tendered for also comprised a substantial element of on-going income from the related supplies.
The expertise, products, and services related to these various practices comprise the emerging field of Enterprise Engagement.
The company's products comprise temperature regulating textiles, fabrics, fibers, and knits.
The product that a focal firm sells to the consumer comprises components made by the focal firm and the suppliers.
Exempt products comprise only materials that are on the EPA's exempt list.
These products comprise a number of wireless routers and wireless cards.
Globally, halal products comprise a US$2 trillion industry.
Each product comprises several modules, each separately licensed.