In July, for instance, the price here for hot rolled cut-sheet steel was 52,500 yen a ton - $533 at exchange rates then - while Japanese producers exported the same steel for 36,925 yen a ton - $375.
These quotas allow Australian producers to export increasing amounts of these products free of duty to the United States during the tariff elimination period.
At first, Costa Rican producers exported their crop to nearby South Americans, who processed the beans and re-exported the product to Europe.
This year, producers of cava will export 105 million bottles, double the amount five years ago; in France, exports of champagne will rise to 110 million bottles, up from 73 million in 1992.
By 1997, Russian producers were exporting 60 percent of what they produced - compared with zero in Soviet times.
To win their cases, the big American steelmakers must convince the Commerce Department that foreign producers are either exporting steel below cost or are receiving government subsidies.
American producers exported more than $500 million in frozen poultry to Russia last year, and Tyson accounted for roughly a third of that.
Agricultural Export Assistance Handbooks and Guidelines Provides links to handbooks, training materials, videos, and market reports that help producers export their goods overseas.
Over the weekend, Mr. Yeltsin signed measures that will quadruple the tax on most land, allow producers of precious metals to export their products directly and regulate alcohol production and sales more tightly.
This would not be because we would not be able to produce it efficiently; it would be so that other European producers could export their sugar to us, thus solving the problem of WTO restrictions at our expense.