There he produced a key with a number stamped into it.
Ideally, he testified, that would produce a 120-member Legislature with an equal number of Democrats and Republicans.
However this festival produced mixed feelings, with a number of people expressing feelings of disappointment.
Asia produced a breakeven result with Hong Kong and a number of smaller territories producing an underwriting profit.
Almost 21,000 engines were produced, with a number also being built in Europe under licence.
Designed for a wealthy clientele, the 7W was produced with a number of trend-setting features, gaining considerable attention from the world's wealthiest individuals.
Prior to 2006, Breyers was known for producing ice cream with a small number of all-natural ingredients.
A lumper is always keen to generalize, and produces models with a small number of broadly defined objects.
A splitter is reluctant to generalize, and produces models with a large number of narrowly defined objects.
Pickup trucks have been produced with a number of different configurations or body styles.