Around this time the Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon company began producing undertype wagons with their distinctive pattern of double ended boiler.
Dapol - Produce kits and ready to run wagons.
Willets Scale Models, Produce hand-made, brass, carriages and wagons.
There was also a smaller factory at Alcázar de San Juan producing and maintaining wagons.
Richmond's father worked as a blacksmith, with his shop working in conjunction with a Marlborough factory that produced wagons, window blinds, and other fabricated goods.
Stoke railway works were opened in 1849, capable of producing carriages, wagons and other equipment.
It also produces specialised wagons for incandescent coke and hot metal billets, and bunker cars for asphalt.
The renamed company produced steel-bodied wagons and used assembly line manufacturing techniques.
Since 2002, the company has produced plastic as well as metal-bodied wagons.
In some ways, the scenery at both landings seems hardly changed from then, when the ferry was used primarily to move produce wagons, cattle and soldiers.