This factory ultimately produced bicycles, motorcycles and light tractors.
The company was formed in 1915 in Ludington, Michigan and produced tractors until 1930.
Early in the First World War he was asked to produce tractors for moving heavy howitzers, the result being eventually the first tanks.
The factory produces tractors and military equipment.
It then began producing military tractors, tanks and other heavy machinery for troops.
In 1913, the Hume Manufacturing Company was founded to produce tractors of a new design.
BAZ produces off-road tractors and chassis with carrying capacity from 14 to 40 tons.
But they continue to produce tractors of more than 100 horsepower in the United States.
Holt did not prevail and Best continued to produce tractors that directly competed with Holt's models.
In the past it has also produced heavy trucks, tractors and automotive components.