At the fresh produce shop next door, beets, cabbage and a mound of soggy squash were the vegetables of the day.
The town has no shops, though is home to a small farm with a produce shop and the beautiful fifteenth century church of St. Maur.
Home ingredients are picked up from local grocery stores and independent produce shops, although supermarkets have become progressively more popular.
In the bank's mahogany-walled boardroom, now his office, Mr. Laster said, "Next, I'm opening a produce shop."
The original Fairway Market, at West 74th Street on Manhattan's Upper West Side, was a modest produce shop.
My list of produce shops that regularly carry good-quality merchandise is a short one.
A mischievous smile flickered around the edges of jhes mouth and jhe entered the produce shop.
It was Belder's, all that was left of the produce shop.
Subsequently he worked as a construction worker and ran a produce shop.
Another Fearnley-Whittingstall project was the conversion of an old inn in Axminster to an organic produce shop and canteen which opened in September 2007.