The plant will produce 150 million litres of water a day, enough to supply 400,000 households or 900,000 people.
The domestic beer market produces 582 million litres annually.
"Last year the world produced more than 70 billion litres of biofuel," he says.
If you have produced or used less than 2,500 litres of:
The total area under vines is around 4800 hectares, producing 22 million litres of wine a year.
Canada produced 75.9 million litres of wine in 2002 (0.3% of world production).
Although since July 2007 home users may produce 2500 litres per year for personal use without registering or paying duty.
A 100-kg sow will produce 8 litres, more if it is feeding a litter.
At present, it produces 12 billion litres of milk a year.
Though small the distillery can produce 500,000 litres of alcohol per annum.