They produce secretions that the ants will feed on.
Some glands on the hands and chest of males are specialized to produce sticky secretions to aid in amplexus.
These are well developed in ground beetles, and produce noxious or even caustic secretions used to deter would-be predators.
The males attract females producing special secretions from its antennae.
It had an apparatus called the Golgi complex that produced specialized secretions needed by the cell and synthesized large carbohydrates.
They produce secretions that the ants will feed on, similar to the Iridomyrmex genus of ants.
Other species have throat glands which produce strong-smelling secretions.
In these surgeries, either the parts of the stomach that produce gastric secretions are removed or they are bypassed.
It produces secretions that affect almost all functions of the body.
They produce semi-viscous secretions which contain pheromones and other semiochemical compounds.