They are also producing replicas of the medallion from the film.
Many companies have produced replicas of the Artichoke, but nothing matches the original design.
Only eight period chalumeau are still in existence, but modern craftsmen produce replicas based on these original instruments.
The quality of the guns is generally high and craftsman are able to produce replicas of almost any gun.
Nothing could have been more suitable to satisfy this huge business demand than to produce replicas of ancient artefacts.
Cloning might produce replicas, but it can't bring about immortality.
In the past century, the growing field of nanotechnology has produced several novel materials and enabled scientists to produce nanoscale biological replicas.
Various private mints have produced replicas of the 1804 dollar over the years.
Over the years, Polaroid worked with computers to produce accurate replicas.
The cavities served as molds, which, when filled with dental plaster, produced clear replicas of plants.