Core committers take turns producing releases in a revolving schedule, where no single committer is responsible for multiple releases in a row.
This lineup would last from 1982-1983 and later 1985-1986 and produced several notable releases, including the EP War on 45 (now expanded into a full-length album).
Moist Music produces independent CDs and albums in major retail, as well as simultaneous digital releases for all new albums.
Necropolitan Press ceased producing new releases in 2001.
Given WSRP4J's incubator status, the project did not produce formal releases.
Formed in 1994, they produced several underground releases during their first years of existence and soon claimed to be "kings of rock".
Their breakup in 1995 spurred a solo career that has steadily produced releases in both Europe and the US.
Others argue that the problem is the United Nations bureaucracy - countless committees conducting endless debates producing limitless releases.
In addition to forming Bella Union, Guthrie and Raymonde have produced releases from new bands signed to that label.
Some sources of pollution, such as nuclear power plants or oil tankers, can produce widespread and potentially hazardous releases when accidents occur.