Intel's strategy of producing ever-more-powerful processors and obsoleting their predecessors stumbled, leaving an opportunity for rapid gains by competitors, notably AMD.
The company's plan was to use BiCMOS technology to produce very fast processors for the Apple Computer market.
This was the processor that first heralded Intel's transition from a memory company that also produced processors into the world's leading processor company.
The Intel Corporation, the largest maker of computer chips, said today that it would upgrade its manufacturing plants to produce far more powerful processors while significantly cutting manufacturing costs.
This project's aim was to produce a HPC Linux Distribution for 32- and 64-bit processors.
For a time, Transmeta produced IA-32 processors.
Now the company produces quad-core processors for smartphones.
With two produce-related outbreaks of E. coli fresh in the minds of constituents, members of Congress are dusting off legislation meant to get a tighter grasp on farms and produce processors, in particular.
The Palestine Fair Trade Association (PFTA) is a Palestinian national union of fair trade producing cooperatives, processors, and exporters.
Intel Plans Cost-Saving Plants Intel, the largest maker of computer chips, plans to upgrade its manufacturing plants to produce far more powerful processors.