The exact function of these glands is not known, but they may produce pheromones or chemical signals for communication with other dogs.
Ivy's body produces pheromones that make people susceptible to mind control around her, although strong-minded people like Batman are usually capable of resisting.
A single scout, sometimes two or three, will cautiously approach the hive, producing pheromones to lead its nest-mates to the hive.
Romulans had had such a violent early history that pregnant females produced pheromones which inspired males of any age to protect them.
Their genes are recessive, and survive genetically by producing strong pheromones that draw psions together.
In the first day or two after emerging from hibernation, when they are cold and slow, male snakes produce femalelike pheromones.
However, male garter snakes sometimes produce both male and female pheromones.
How could they produce pheromones that affect our DNA-based systems?
The high frequency of intruder contacts with the queen may suggest that she produces pheromones like in social insects.
The queen not only produces pheromones but is fed them, so she receives all this information.