Crises produce rare opportunities for overcoming the domestic and foreign policy logjams facing political leaders.
Just as farmers accidentally produce opportunities for diseases and parasites, so work environments are exploited in ways management did not intend.
Royal Shakespeare Theatre often partner with the School to produce plays and theatrical opportunities for learning.
The 20th century produced dramatic changes and opportunities for women.
But then the entitlement she expects would produce not just social opportunities, but romance.
Cartels attack the education system and its inability to produce role models, idols, or opportunities for young adults.
And in more developed countries, the transition to capitalism has produced new economic opportunities for both women and men, making early childbearing less common.
Beat work and manning the Dock gates produced few opportunities for praise.
The coincidence will create the illusion that writing down the goal causes the environment to produce opportunities.
In 1931 Rutherford moved to London where the emergence of the new medium of television produced opportunities thanks to his ability to sketch rapidly.