In this traditional singing style, female singers produce melodies from deep in their throats.
The ngoni, which can produce fast melodies, appears to be closely related to the akonting and the xalam.
For centuries Azerbaijani music has evolved under the badge of monody, producing rhythmically diverse melodies.
He'll produce stunningly gorgeous melodies, improvisational turn after turn.
Later, Creative began creating customized PCs adapted for the Chinese language, including enhanced audio capabilities that allowed the devices to produce speech and melodies.
Kakehashi began producing electronic musical instruments in 1955, with the aim of creating devices that could produce monophonic melodies.
It demonstrates that its composer was master of musical form and in possession of a gift which allows him to produce strong and noble melodies.
A part of this design included enhanced audio capabilities, so that the device could produce speech and melodies.
His violin produces endless melodies, perfectly shaped, that ring with emotion.
This duo went on to produce memorable melodies for the RK banner.