New instruments, meanwhile, are producing impressive measurements and images.
And for the first time, they are producing accurate measurements of the nearshore, particularly in stormy weather when most erosion takes place.
Its relatively simple, inexpensive apparatus can produce measurements more cost-effectively than most other testing techniques.
It is expected to produce measurements of the volume of vegetation and soil moisture.
However, a Japanese sounding rocket launched in 1987 produced high-sensitivity measurements that have encouraged others to press ahead with their own work.
The church facade was actually his first architectural task, and he had no experience of producing the working plans and measurements needed for his project.
A survey based on a probability sample can in theory produce statistical measurements of the target population that are:
Different trees on the same site will produce different measurements of a site index.
Before the program can produce measurements a lengthy set-up procedure must be followed.
Cheap hand held Doppler radar may produce erroneous measurements.