The study found that chains of any weight used in combination with chemical soring produced lesions and pain in horses.
It is a rare disease caused by excessive numbers of mast cells in the skin that produce hives or lesions on the skin when irritated.
Over time, these primary lesions may continue to develop or be modified by regression or trauma, producing "secondary lesions."
It infects the tissue and produces lesions that eventually defoliate and rot the plant.
Repeat episodes of oxidative stress produce lesions.
This is especially true of STDs that produce genital lesions or sores.
Non-sexually transmitted diseases may also produce lesions on the genitalia.
This is done in hopes that the body will redirect the immune response away from attacking the myelin, which produce lesions, and target the helminths.
Major aphthous ulceration is less common than the minor type, but produces more severe lesions and symptoms.
However, sometimes the fungi may spread through the blood vessels or lymph vessels, producing metastatic lesions at distant sites.