However, from September 2005 to the latest data in 2007, Trepca only produced lead, zinc and copper at an average of 5,000 tons per month.
There are disused mineworks nearby, which once produced lead and copper.
More recently, the mines have produced zinc and lead.
Like over half of the world's silver producing mines, the Penasquito mine also produces lead, copper and zinc.
The district produced lead and zinc for over 100 years.
The mine employed over 600 miners at its peak producing lead, copper, silver and zinc until it closed in 1929.
The mines employed over 600 miners at their peak, producing lead, copper, silver and zinc, until they closed in 1929.
A few mines remained open at La Plata, continuing to produce lead, until its price also dropped.
The town produced lead and silver from established mines, however, when mining operations eventually slowed financial issues arose.
In the 8th century, official kilns in Japan produced simple, green lead glazed wares.