She says an industry has sprung up producing orange juice "flavour packs".
The pulp of the fruit is greenish yellow and dry (does not produce much juice).
Grating it or producing juice, if that's what a recipe requires, is tedious.
This plant produced canned juice and jelly of cashew fruit.
Tempdiff technology had progressed to the point where it could produce enough juice to warrant the building of several Arctic stations.
The fruit ripen fairly early and produce juice with high sugar levels.
With the exception of very few varieties, known as teinturiers, most wine grapes produce clear or colorless juice.
There are now hand pumps that allow you to produce enough juice to charge your own batteries.
In some occasions, the usable grapes from a single vine may only produce enough juice for a single glass.
Pixley Berries produce juice for the local markets.