In 1996, scanners are electronic devices that can produce headaches almost as horrible as those.
American consumers are on a late-year spending binge that may produce headaches in 1995, according to economic reports released today.
The disease produces headaches, fever, coughs, chest pain, diarrhea and delirium.
Exposure of 0.1 to 1 μmol/mol produces headaches, burning eyes and irritation to the respiratory passages.
In some cases, two of these factors must converge to produce headaches.
Withdrawal produces emotional changes, immobility, lethargy, and headaches which can be severe.
It is a well-known fact that the fumes of dynamite and other giant powders will often produce severe headaches, and even illness.
Carbon monoxide produces pounding headaches.
A large hematoma larger than 1 cm at its thickest point produces severe headaches and brain function deterioration requires immediate surgery by a neurosurgeon.
Any form of stress may produce headaches, eye-strain and tiredness (see Chapter 18 on managing stress).