They want us to produce geniuses for them, but they kill or sterilize all our aggressive, combative, rebellious young men.
This virus seems to produce eccentric, absent-minded geniuses, but most humans are apparently immune to this neural Chernobyl (though the reader should be aware of the possibility of an unreliable narrator).
We can manipulate any sentient race that lives, produce geniuses to order by manipulating society's laboratory conditions; and the nature and causation of mutation are fundamentals of Krundai psychology.
Smart Parents, Smart Kids "If you want to produce geniuses, you have to get the graduate man to marry a graduate girl," according to the unit's deputy director, Helen Wang.
In the 1990 PBS documentary The Civil War by Ken Burns, historian Shelby Foote states in Episode 7 that the Civil War produced two "authentic geniuses:" Abraham Lincoln and Nathan Bedford Forrest.