It could be ruinously expensive to buy in livestock until you can produce enough fodder; the establishment of a crop rotation and hay or silage-making plans should therefore keep ahead of livestock build-up.
When I married i made a conscience decision that we should not have children - I was not prepared to produce canon fodder for the Army nor fodder for Industry.
That last bit is too much, of course-mostly notable for the way our campaign in Afghanistan produces fodder for conspiracy theorists and problems in our foreign relations, if nothing else.
First there are the areas under cultivation, producing food, oxygen, and fodder for the cattle we raise.
A little more money produced fodder and water for the mules, and gave them use of the inn bathhouse.
But it quickly became apparent that the Spaniards at the post could not produce enough food and fodder there for themselves and their cavalry.
This encouraged producers to switch from sun-drying and to produce artificially dried fodder to the maximum extent possible.
Quite logically, many pig producers in fact receive farm premiums because they produce their own cereals and fodder.
Around these streets there were lands that produced wheat, corn, fodder, potatoes, oats, rye and vegetables in general.
DRAT benefits approximately 1,125 families producing mainly sugarcane, fodder, rice, and fish(400 ha of aquaculture), generating income of approximately $163.7 million from this region.