Measles, a viral disease that is one of the most contagious known, produces a rash, fever, red eyes and a cough.
In addition, interleukin 1 and other cytokines produce fever, which helps kill bacteria and viruses by raising the body temperature.
Comorbid medical conditions such as thrombosis, connective tissue disorders, and central nervous system bleeds or strokes may also produce fever.
The disease produces headaches, fever, coughs, chest pain, diarrhea and delirium.
This usually produced high fever.
Salmonella bacteria produce diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea and vomiting.
Subsequent infections with other serotypes are then likely to produce dengue hemorrhagic fever, which can lead to massive hemorrhaging or circulatory collapse.
These substances are allergenic and contact with them may produce general allergic sensitivity, skin disease, fever, and visual problems.
The thoughtless riot, dissipation, and debauchery of his younger days produced fever and delirium.
Dysentery, usually due to the Shigella bacteria, produces fever, bloody diarrhea and malnutrition.