Zariņš was a prolific artist who produced many book illustrations, engravings and lithographs.
He painted primarily portraits, and a number of them were used to produce engravings done by other artists.
Josey also produced engravings of many other subjects.
He was the first person to employ ruled glass screens, together with photography, to produce engravings.
She produced delicate engravings by using a diamond on glass.
He produced numerous engravings used for seals and bookplates.
Ushakov also executed secular commissions and produced engravings for book illustrations.
Fletcher worked in London, and produced engravings possessing some merit.
From 1765 on, in support of the dissident cause, he produced engravings and other artifacts with political themes.
In the early 1920s he also made several linocuts, and later produced lithographs and engravings.