With all his limitations, he was as original a genius as Spain produced during the 19th century.
Two or even three plays per year were regularly produced in some schools during the sixteenth century.
The company did general millwrighting, producing some steam engines during the 19th century.
A mechanical desk is usually an antique desk type which was produced during the 18th or the 19th century.
From such new creations, notably in France, came a high proportion of the most important writing on military problems produced during the century.
The theory proposed in this book has probably been the most influential theory of law produced during the 20th century.
Rochet-Schneider was a French company that produced automobiles during the early 20th century.
One branch produced a number of Counts of Holland during the 13th century.
It is shocking that Europe has produced the most horrifying ethno-racism in the world during the 20th century.
It was one of the largest sugar and cotton producing plantations in Texas during the mid-19th century.