Several companies licensed the headless technology from Steinberger and produced all-wood clones or similar instruments.
When conditions are favourable, reproduction occurs by parthenogenesis for several generations, producing only female clones.
Suppose that every prospective parent in the world stopped having children naturally, and instead produced clones of themselves.
To tap investors' eagerness to own shares in funds they can't get, the industry has been producing clones of the closed funds.
Tissue culture can be used to produce clones of phytoplasma infected plants that are healthy.
Technology produced human clones and espers, declared them nothing but property, and institutionalized slavery.
A propagator makes use of these meristematic areas to produce clones that will grow and be multiplied.
Dr. Willadsen said he had also produced clones from successive generations of embryos.
Scientists have been producing clones in amphibians, most notably in frogs, since 1954.
Plant tissue culture is widely used to produce clones of a plant in a method known as micropropagation.