She produces cigarettes and they smoke, repeating their last interview, as if he's stepped into a photograph of the scene.
Sarajevo companies also produce unique brands of alcohol, and cigarettes.
"Don't smoke," I said to him as he produced cigarettes.
Nayre produced cigarettes, gave Margo one, and took another for himself.
Still, efforts to produce less dangerous cigarettes have largely failed.
MI6 sat, produced cigarettes, lit one and relaxed a little in his chair before continuing.
In the study, which was paid for by Congress, cigarette manufacturers used existing materials and equipment to produce fire-safe cigarettes.
"We don't mind getting money from the company that produces cigarettes," he said.
Another delicate point is the granting of the derogation to Greece to allow it to continue to produce strong cigarettes up until 2006.
The European cigarette industry will continue to produce cigarettes, but all the tobacco will simply be imported from third countries.