Hawkins fed his own calculations into a modern electronic computer and produced numerous charts and tables demonstrating such correlations.
They produced new maps and charts which enabled following mariners to explore further with greater confidence.
Walker uses Excel spreadsheets to log weight and produce charts, but provides a list of other software packages that may be used.
In addition, ample time is required to perform the analyses that produce the tables, charts, and the narrative describing trends and methods.
He produced charts and indicated the premises to which he referred.
Frindall was also known for producing scoring charts for many of his tours with England.
Now in version 2.2, it produces better charts than ever.
When investigators try to explain them, they produce charts that would make Rube Goldberg proud.
It was there that he produced numerous manuscript atlases and charts, many of them of the Mediterranean.
For the next three weeks traveling in and through Saipan, he produced detailed maps and charts.