Bakeries in New Orleans have been known to produce such cakes out of their leftover or imperfect baked goods.
The company mainly produces frozen pies, cakes, tortes and tarts.
The mixes, made with high-quality ingredients and no additives, produce pricey but utterly delicious cakes.
Pullman also produces bread and cakes in Brazil.
A number of families in Tilaco produce coffee liquor and traditional pastries and cakes.
The Company produces and markets palm kernels, soya beans, oils and cakes.
Quartu also produces excellent wines, bread and cakes.
When we produced cakes which weren't coloured yellow, our sales dropped by half.
Another plant produces cakes and which is named as Bonn Food Industries.
She also tells serious bakers how to adapt home recipes to produce very large cakes and explains the scientific principles underlying her techniques.