He wrote many famous blues songs, usually producing and playing double bass when they were first recorded.
In California, for example, 15 fish farms produce tilapia, bass, and catfish with warm water from underground.
For this reason, almost all subwoofers produce bass in mono, although most make the cut at 90 to 150 hertz.
This instrument is typically used to produce bass.
One disadvantage of both designs is that a very large panel is required to produce deep bass.
It is generally believed that bigger speakers produce better bass.
One of the home made pieces was a monstrous speaker which could produce very heavy bass.
Despite its tweeter-size speakers, the 15-ounce system sounds as if it's producing impossibly deep bass.
It produces far deeper bass than its tiny, 2.5-inch speakers ought to be capable of.
No, the Wave Radio does not produce thunderous bass that shakes the cabinet doors.