He was given the post as punishment for defying Burrell, despite the investigation producing several arrests.
Since Gandhi's assassination the police hunt for Sivarasan had produced a number of arrests, and, according to the Guardian of Aug. 21, no less than 24 suicides.
The occupations produced one death, many injuries and arrests and threats to burn down some of the installations.
The use of Bait cars in high crime areas has started to produce arrests in several stings being implemented in certain parts of the city.
The cameras are designed not to produce arrests but to make people feel that they are being watched at all times.
But critics of police video surveillance note that some cities have dropped it because it produced few arrests, required costly maintenance and merely drove crime to other areas.
But the problem has produced overdoses and arrests in suburban pockets around the country, from New York to Delaware, Florida and Texas.
They also said that additional officers produced additional arrests, many of which required officers on overtime to take suspects through the criminal justice system.
However, once on British soil Fix produces a warrant and arrests Fogg.
The raid also produced arrests by Palestinians in other cities, but the amount of explosive material was a worrisome reminder of how active Hamas has been, one official said.